The “Sentier des Douaniers”, a sweet spot for a family outing in Corsica

If you are interested in taking a walk, a sweet and smooth one, on one of the numerous paths throughout Corsica, I am sure you heard about the “Sentier des Douaniers” (ed: you may translate it by “Customs Officers Path” in English). This 26km long path along the northern tip of Corsica, from Macinaggio to Centuri, offers one of the most beautiful experiences you may live during your trip on the island.
A few times ago, I discovered this path. Even though I saw a lot of what Corsica has to offer, it gave me a really special feeling. I did half of the 26km (I am planning to discover the remaining parts anytime soon and I will be sharing pictures and information with you), during winter mostly. Sometimes with my wife and one time bringing our kids with us. Today, we will talk about the first part of the path, the one we did on a family day.
A nice family trip
Going from Macinaggio (port) to the chapel of Santa Maria della Chiappella is an approximative 10km round-trip. The path is clean and easy to handle, even if you are not a regular walker. The ascending elevation is close to nil. I chose to talk about this first part because you are always close to the sea. If you go beyond the chapel the path sometimes takes a more hemmed way and goes up and down. Which is neither interesting nor enjoyable. In contrast, the portion we are talking about here is precisely what you expect from a coastal path.
You will walk along the path, on the beach sometimes (the beach of Tamarone), and see the island of Caprai, one the Tuscany’s ones… Your reward will come after an hour or so when the Tower of Santa Maria will rise upon you.
This quiet walk on the very first part of the “Sentier des Douaniers” is, however, to avoid during summer. It is a coastal path, so do not expect any shady zone. During spring, fall, or a winter sunny day, it is absolutely something to be done. If you have kids with you, I am sure they will enjoy this half-day trip.
The Sentier des Douaniers in pictures
Here are some pictures of this part of the path. For more information and if you want to request a guided tour, please visit the Tourism Office of Cap Corse’s website.