Rain in Corsica, Castagniccia

rain corsica

The weather is a bit bad today in Corsica. Rain is about to fall and will be with us for the whole week-end. Just when lockdown starts to get a little more “free”… We certainly would have enjoy some walk outside. But we will have to deal with it and try to enjoy some rainy afternoon.

Today’s weather reminded me of this picture taken by my wife two years ago. So I am sharing it with you, hoping you too will enjoy its view. We were (once again) in Felce that day, a small village in Castagniccia. My home place. The rain was falling really hard but as you can see, clouds were starting to slowly go down. A few minutes later, the rain was gone.

For more “snapshots from Corsica“, please visit our dedicated page. We will update it often.

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Guillaume Bereni

Guillaume is the owner and editor of Sustainable Corsica. He runs a consulting agency, named Mare è Monti Conseil, which aims to support companies in their project for more slow, cultural, conscious and sustainable tourism in Corsica. You can visit the website https://maremonticonsulting.fr. Happy husband, happy father of three energic children, traveling lover, curious by nature and a bit nerdy too (nobody is perfect).

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